i told you i now what to do,but im posting my new track right now
I already no what to do
When do we get building?
Hello were you been, You been send messages to all your friends saying how great it is.Thats what i didnt like and yea i post comments like that...
I worked my ass off 4 months on a slayer map and it got no attention, And check how that is,you got attention on that map.I worked more than 90...
WTF dude i said no offence, i gave it an onnest review and you took it up the ass.And im a ****, When have you looked in the mirror, my maps arnt...
Did you play it? You'll think differnent
Knight i know where cool but no offence, I give this map a 3/5.It looks cool when your above it but, When driving its really bumpy, And your banks...
Great job dream, The interlocking is very good, and the map has a very nice flow, plus racing is amazing, only thing was it was kind of short, but...
5 hours? Dude you only looked at them, you didnt touch them, And it was only about 5 minutes.
Thanks for everything and i just wanted to point out that the fusion coil is gone.
The archs? If those yea they are, those are the aesthetics.
The main thing i need to fix is this part you can break but i can i cant fix it because no money but its hard doing plus got a huge chance of...
Tabularium By oO SLiK Oo Gametypes:2-8 players best for 3v3 on all team gametypers Team Slayer Team Oddball Capture the Flag...
I didnt make it, FG JNewComb and iTz Flair made it.
This is my new slayer map, it is not released yet but i worked on it for about 4 months on and off. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAUQIuReCl8...
Oh yea i could of said that. Where i live is the "the ghetto sort of" and the only way you get them to shut up is by beating there ass, when i was...
A you got to know something, where im from you'd understand everything i mean, we got a **** load of wannabs over here.You get ****ing tired of...
I have 4 dogs, a puppy pitbull, Husky/Aketta, German Sherpeard/rateriolder, and a Chiwawwa, i dont care that i spelt it wrong but anyways i think...
Honestly i think all this happening like 2012 and global warming is just giving scientist something to do. Like if all these scientist saying this...