Damn dude you are just pooping out maps.I got to say this is your best one so far.Very smooth too, Try to do a banked wave turn because flat banks...
No Offence but this really reminds me of my map Surge. But besides that, Try to take sometime on cleaning things up.Try to get the feel of the map...
No. I was playing one time and i seen someone off my list.
Thanks, i thought you did
[media] heres the video thanks halo evolution!
No not at all
Surge By oO SLiK Oo Gametypes:Battle Tracks Recomended Players:2-16 players Description: Make a long story short. The Map is about about 34...
okie dokie
When do you want to start working, i got my ideas.
This doesnt fallow FH standards, Please post pictures.
Basic, When up rising from a hill just start turning it and it should be start banking, Message me oo slik oo (oO SLiK Oo) And ill teach you
Nothing is going to happen, Nothing can predict the future, Believe me. The Mayans where smart but still they cant predict the future. The thing...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOMdddX1lZ8 Video
Are you kidding me, its 33 seconds long. That is long for a track
What you talking about
Thanks but dude its just a post its not an essay that my life depends on.
Please reDL it because it was breakable so i fixed it right now.
[IMG][/URL] Typhoon By oO SLiK Oo Recomended Players:1-16 Gametypes:Best for any Battle Tracks Gametype & Racetracks Note:I worked on this...