This map is well put together, Very neat and creative. Sharpshooterx94 was showing me it and i was looking around and i was look holy **** this is...
Holy snapple apples i forgot to comment your map HJ, But yea i love this track, This is the best map from you so far. Its well put together with a...
Haha thank you i guess haha, But yea im going green on halo, lol jk. But yea i was sitting on my map for like 10 min and i was thinking, This map...
YouTube - Drum Lesson - Part 1 New Kit Tuning Tips, Vanz Drumming This is the video on tuning theres 2 parts, Check out his other videos because...
Heres another picture with now with a wind turbine! [IMG]
Yea thats what i was thinking or mybe something like Tsunami or i dont know yet.
Well heres my newest project im working on. Im going solo on this map and im trying to find a name. I still have a lot to do on it but yea heres...
I want to say thats to everyone for the comments, It was really fun working with dream again. We got in little fights about the OLN but were good...
Yea, I like in So Cal
A thats a down ass sig you have... You live in the west coast? Like Cali?
Heres the video from my sponsers HaloEvolution! YouTube - Amazing Halo 3 Sandbox Racetrack - "Cape Canaveral" Thanks Bg Roiit and iTz Flair
I made meltdown by myself. Dream was there just tipping me.
Dude are you seriously saying this. Me and dream puts hours of work in this. Theres a freaking space ship in middle of the map. The track itself...
I agree with spect and goldman. This should of not been featured. Me, x DREAM 76 x, Spectular Ra, Goldman 010, and AnF Knight all helped on this...
Thanks and i know right, Like nascar needs more aesthetics, haha lol. Its the same thing.
Yea your right, but aesthetics do make it pop out , but if people cant put anymore aesthetics on a map, commenters still say needs more...
Okay people, every damn time i look at racetracks on here people always comment saying it needs more aesthetics. Hello! When you make a racetrack...
Dude im getting i little mad now, i cant but scenery because i hit the OLN limit. The track is very long and it took alot of items!
I like it but im the guy who made the chief drumming pic and this pretty good. Mybe starightn up the toms a little bit and add one more then you...
This is mybe the best tornament map, i just did a few laps and is is very good. The only thing that i really didnt like as much was that it...