I Miss Hulk! ): (Wahhhhhhhhhh)
See You Around Hulk! Your Urban Skills Will Be Missed! Any Chance You Can Move Me Up Out Of Reserves Nut?? I Will Definitely Be There Tonight,...
Looks like one of the Better Erosion Maps on the Ugly Pallet.
I will definitely put it in my fileshare. I just have to make some final tweaks on it. It should be up by 2pm EST
Awhhh Shucks (**Blushes**) That's the Nicest thing anyone has said to me man! Haha But seriously, thank you for the compliment, it means alot to...
Reserve Please?
Already working on a map. Haha.
Hey! Hey You! No, Not You.... You! Yeah You! What's Up Guys?!?! My GT is HgT Noise, but you can call me Noise, or Higgit as Nutduster likes...
I am going to be testing this map Tomorrow, April 11th, 2013. Let Me Know If You Are Interested.
It took me about 8 hours in general. Most of my maps don't take me any longer than 4 days. But yeah definitely man. Add me on Xbox. GT: HgT Noise
Thanks Mate. I try very hard to make my maps Aesthetically Pleasing to the Eye. That Boat Took Me about 20 Minutes to Make and as for the Crates,...
Sante' III Port Forged By: Noise "As the War Began, the People of the Mainland Soon Forgot About Sante' III Port. Leaving the Citizens to Fight...
I guess this means I get bumped up into his spot? Please Tell Me That's What This Means :D
#AudienceOfOne #ForeverAlone
I've Got an Urban Style Map that's Setting is a Moscow Market in the Near Future. Close Range and Long Range Map that would Play Epically on...
I Get My Inspiration from all over. From Other Video Games, to Everyday Life. I see something in a picture or in a movie and think "Maybe I Could...
Haha, definitely only 2 points on the field at a time. And I can see if I can change the layout a little for a small tunnel, but I'm going to test...
It is 4-Point Extraction. I can bring it down to 2 though. And There are ramps, but you cannot go underneath the spawns. Tried keeping more of a...
[IMG] Slayer | Capture Zee Flag | Extraction | King of the Hill Esterno | Built in 2079 this Moscow Market has the Local Citizens Cowering in...
I'm loving the use of the Base Stripes in Pic #9. Haven't seen them used that way before.