Meh, just because something has been done before doesn't mean you can't try to make it better (or worse in my case). But whatever. But I srsly...
And that's not even including going down into the crypt to capture the territory. If you said the fastest time is 1:46, how do you expect people...
This would have to be my favorite effect of the bunch, maybe get another pose from the spartan. And besides Celestial, some of them need a little...
On the BR, amirite? Nice job with the comics. The jumbled up text on the second one makes it confusing though. Maybe split that scene into two...
This is amazing, color scheme and detail match the original. And when I saw the map preview on it I was like "WTF is that supposed to be." Holy...
1. Everyone loves the Avalanche one? 2. Two bridges for immovable objects. 3. Itz Cavy and Wateryish! 4. Might scrap that one, or redo it. I do...
So many of the pre-DLC maps would have so much potential if they had immovable objects. AKA Valhalla, high-ground, Sandtrap... pretty much all of...
And the most amount of exclamation marks used!!!!!!! But that's not the point. Here I will tell you about four (hopefully) kickass maps I am...
Swat has no radar and there are no weapons on the map you can pick up and even then it is probably made so you can't pick up weapons and so you...
This is where you say what you think the best map not the worst map. But while we're at that, Heretic is the worst. Longshore: Water and plenty...
If you're going to remake this map, it is going to have to be a mini version like Smallhala. Just don't rush it, and I would like to see this map...
Mehh. The first one is probably on Avalanche, maybe snowbound and the second one is obviously in the crypt. For the first one, you should combine...
Download Here I don't know how this will play, but I like the aesthetics overall. Seems like the map would play better for one bomb and one flag...
I remember testing this out and I was in the video! First time. It was really fun to play on, and you had to be really careful, especially with...
Spotlight [IMG]
Well I decided to dish out my two favorite screenshots from campaign that I think use light and grass to perfection. Who new watching grass grow...
No criticism, this'll make me look bad but... First off, if the last pic is the VIP destination then it is obviously cheatable. Honor rule? I...
Wow. This looks pretty amazing. And I can't believe it's not playable. This map would be great for one flag, one bomb and one-sided VIP. I would...
That's great news. There will actually be something good in the bungie favs this time. Congrats.
Counting all these steps is suicide, but it would be cool to see how many there are. Good luck. (He won't come back for a long time) This looks...