I would have to guess some fx, a bubble shield, partially invisible and RECONZ. I'm probably wrong, but nice job. I can see it perfectly fine, but...
That has some potential, but how would you do that. Also keep in mind that tic-tac-toe is a two player game and there are usually 4+ people on...
In order to do that you would have to force the VIP to go somewhere that only the VIP can get to whether it is that the VIP has less gravity and...
As a nature kind of shot, it would be a whole lot better without the spartan. This would probably have the most potential. As a shot of the...
The ghost entrances making the zombies come out of the ground is the unique part of this map which separates it from other judgment maps. It has...
Nice remake you have there. I see a few things you could've went in to more detail over, but that's okay. It actually looks pretty accurate. One...
You seem to have quite a bit of budget left. Although the name seems pretty,well, boring, I can't say the same thing about the map. It looks like...
So that's what happened. Wow
Yah, crevice and rocky ridge were on here for about a day before it went to the next page. I decided to not include either because they haven't...
I guess it looks like rock climbing except you usually don't hold a weapon while doing so and you don't latch on to thin air.
Combine it with some filters and smooth up actual letters.
Any other vehicles besides wraiths and warthogs? Other than that this looks like a pretty cool idea. Good luck. The only thing I'm not too sure...
Nonononono, the spawning point for the covenant is going to be a bowling alley or a fun room with a bunch of bouncing golf balls, and then 10-20...
Well Rifte, guess what, Im Makin Ma Damn Bowlin Alley. Unfortunately though, I do not think it would be fit or even make sense to have a bowling...
Yeah this is a pretty beast racetrack. Great aesthetics, I mean all the beasts just add a great feel to the map. There are a few bumps here and...
Delete the one you are using and put the other two in the crypt. Either way you can't make only one bomb spawn. You have to have one defenders and...
I just realized it's a map preview. Wow my mistake. I haz excuse though. Some 4 hour drug safety test. Evil ****ing thing. I don't really think...
Fort Benord. I am really laughing out loud at that one *sarcasm* Well I have a few comments about this map. 1. The forging could use a little...
Why didn't you test it before you posted it? It would be better if you would have done that, but nevertheless. In my opinion it looks more like...
Watchutalkinbout? Not only are guns hanging on the wall aesthetically pleasing, but also pretty cool. Some parts of it need more aesthetic...