Saw this on TV last night... Sorry it's not a great synopsis and opinion but I cannot remember everything in detail. Oh here's a great site for...
It's internally made, or at least I think it is. Bungie like to add their own content into the game and besides, it looks of better quality to...
I'll try to help you with your problem on this thread :D
What type of problems are you encountering and what map(s) are the problems occuring on? Please elaborate - I'd be able to give you more of a...
Ten Major Flaws of Evolution - I figured that you didn't write that. Not to provoke speculation about Frank's knowledge about the subject, but he...
No probs, and thanks. I normally end up finding what's about to happen in the next episode already lol.
Oh flip you guys! I realised that Micah might be Rebel a few episodes ago, but you had to go and come up with spoilers. Actually, a nightclub...
Oh yeah, his list of pornographic posts too: Best delete these posts from your profile...
Please ban this guy lol Hammer Posted porn in the Landing Pad feature thread....
This map is truely like no other that I've seen on Avalanche before. Really, you did a fantastic jon on this. This also adds to your pallete of...
Oh, I don't mind your signature, you can keep it as whatever you want. However it does need to be changed to at least 500px x 200px.
That's quite a cool pic. You've got some good colours there, it's just I don't like how the light falls upon the Spartan in some places. Also,...
C'mon, it's just a theme for a menu, I don't need to be splashing out points which could be spent on games instead!
Ok then, I doubt that they'll be happy with the pink rank so much, although there were a few though in the past. I'd say banned could remain how...
As per this thread, I wondered if Warned members could have the Member prefix as either Warned (I/II/III). The username would not have to change...
Us English are slowly taking over your country you know? Gaining back what is rightfully ours. Lol. Anyway, back on topic, I think this is a...
Your intro's totally fine. I nearly thought Football was soccer for a sec there, me being English! (You guys have such silly words.) How an...
I'm using the Live Earth theme. It's free and although was an original theme, still chages when you go on different menus. It's basically thick...
Yeah, you have to build the walls yourself, if only it were automatic... Here is a map with both control rooms blocked off. The infinate budget...
Basically, you build a wall. I think there may be a few canvases around here for something like that but in my opinion, you should get the map...