It really depends on the type of map it's on. So I'll leave you to choose that, but some complicated name normally catches peoples attention ;P
Ah, yes. I seemed to have forgot about that detail. Carry on, carry on ;P
I'm pretty sure you have to make a carbine only version of the map. It's a longer route but I'm afraid it's the only way. Also, I think it'd be...
Yes, type: URL HERE The video should show up then. As for the video, it's pretty good. Nice soundtrack and voicing. The shoot-em-up scenes build...
Firefox for me. It just has so many useful applications and themes to run. It's also fast and there's nothing complicated about it. Haven't...
Yeah, I've just told you but you ignored my advice. No advertising in the shoutbox, forums, basically - don't do it anywhere. Your site is very...
Don't worry the guy above, you shouldn't be spammed with advertisements ;D Anyway, hi to you too. Hope you have a great time here. Here's some...
Whenever you get online would you take a look at this? They're not fantastic but I wrote a few criteria for Mini-Game maps in the Review Hub.
Ah thought that be the case. I think Chron's on it, thanks though.
Would you mind locking this thread? Thanks a bunch. If you can that is ;D
Would you mind locking this thread? Thanks a bunch.
I'm off now, see you later
I haven't got anything wrong with Puertoricans ;D And nope, not on there lol.
17 - I thought that was around the time of graduation, thank god lol. I'm only 15, but ah well.
Well I haven't been to America, but media influences a lot of what I think about your country. That's mostly bad though - soz bud ;P
Haha, RRoD = Red Ring of Death. It's a hardware failure in the Xbox 360. Sucks, but it's not too bad - I'm not online too much anyway. Thinking...
I'm guessing you're American from 'graduate' so I'm not so sure about your school system (except from films lol). How old would that make you...
I know what it is :D Or at least I think I do.
I wish I had the maps, but BAM! RRoD. Just sent my xbox off today. They said it should be back within 8-10 days, which is pretty quick in my...
Bah... You're going to get this problem everywhere. If you can't beat em, join em ;D Honestly though, your as bad as the people moaning about...