Hahaha, this hospital is close to where I live. (I was born there <3) Yeah though, I had to explain to my friends (who were settled on the fact...
It's a good thing I'm accustomed to J-Pop.
If a person is born deaf, what language do they think in? Hmmmmmmmmm. Crazy.
I know he's definately doing the Christmas Special, and definately another season - but not quite sure how long after that. For the English...
Bugger, chatbox isn't sending my messages. No it's not, does that mean the thing won't work then? :/ If there's a problem, I can send to togepi...
Ohh coolio, I was planning on teaching the Togetic that maybe haha Makees life a little simpler. Saw you online, wanna hit me up for a quick trade...
I've got the Kyogre you wanted now - I know you didn't mind too much, but it's a healthy Modest, Lv 50. And thanks, that must've been a right...
RE:http://www.forgehub.com/forum/gaming-discussion/97146-pokemon-general-discussion-109.html#post1183614 Yepp, sure could.. is this on HG/SS in...
I can pretty much get all pokemon up to Gen III - My LeafGreen was just a massive Pokedex haha. (Didn't actually buy D/P.) Shines included!...
I know this is a looong shot.. But does anyone have a Female, Modest, Serene Grace Togepi up for trade? Male will do.. but I just cannot get hold...
Wow, your party is suprisingly close to mine: Chikorita/Bayleaf/Meganium - Yep! Vulpix/Ninetails - Change to a Arcanine!...
Use Ursaring (Teddiursa) and Lanturn (Chinchou) for HM slaves.. fairly awesome combo I discovered haha. Combined, they can learn all but Fly = but...
Psypoke - very snazzy site I downloaded the ROM as I had to get back into the game haha, but it froze a lot. So I'm buying it legit instead!...
I thought it was default anyway? On the bookmarks menu, just right-click, and create a new folder. I think?
True you need 750G for the shoulders, but sometimes it varies for no reason. Try getting a bit more G, say 800-850 - it should unlcok then,...
Yeah, I've definately seen you around a little while ago, nice to have you back! I can't say too much of a welcome though, I've been out of the...
Following on from the shoutbox, fantastic video - like Huntar saidm it fits it perfectly. *Wipes the floor with other fanvids* I might look into...
Just have a quick search around the featured map sections, or in some of the updates, some of the hidden gems. Sorry if it sounds rash, but that's...
Serves her right for watching New Moon. Nah, I kid, this type of so-called 'crime' is just ridiculous nowdays. Seriously, you have to be careful...
Standard. These were great when I first saw them a while back. Got re-intoduced to them when my Economics teacher started playing them in lesson....