um this post is not up to forum standards. you need at least 1 pic and a download link. you have neither. EDIT: thanks for adding a link but you...
bout 1 hour 50 min. more
nm just waiting for xbox live to be up
got ma flippy-floppiez
congrats ScarecrowXavier! the map is beautiful! :D this is by far the best remake yet no wonder you won! aesthetically wonderful and it plays...
its awesome
whoa what kind of Audi is that?! its so cool.
wow tactical much. this map is aboslutely incredible, just love the central structure and the overall geometry of the map! the duck strategy is a...
lol ur name iz teh epic WIN!
sup mane
omg everybody at my school calls one of my teachers teerav! ...or t-rav ...or... um...
Definitely Blast Off! and Erebus_Beta
w00t i just knew your map would win first place! congratulations! :D
anything new under construction?
wow awesome avatar :P
the ninja in your avatar is the awesomest looking ninja i've ever seen! :P
how the heck do you make such awesome maps!? iTz like not even possible!
sure I'll see what I can do
sweet can't wait! :P