don't give up hope yet! unless its hopeless...
ur quite walcome good sirrrr :P
awesome job on your latest map man it's so smexxy :P
though this racetrack isn't like most racetracks that usually catch peoples' eyes, it still looks like it would be loads of fun because of its...
my dad took it :( can you see that?
Ooh switches... sounds interesting well good luck with your map, i'll try and help where I can once I get my xbox back!
I'd love to test it, but I'm not sure I'll have my xbox. It depends when you think it'll be done and when your gonna test it
heck yeah! thanks for the update! :D looks awesome!
whoa! your racetracks are incredible!
no problem
congrats on making admin! :D
i fixed the one on youtube but the video still says Requiem without an e :(
oh sorry
I made this for your MLG Requim v.2 map: MLG Requim (created by Insane54 and SirToppumHat1) Tactical Jumps on Vimeo They're just a few useful...
lol course ya did :P
From the first picture, the map reminded me a lot of Slate Creek, but seeing the rest of them greatly proved me wrong. This is still a great...
i wonder if it was just pure coincidence that you found that 20$ bill :P i'm fine with whenever its posted cuz school has started for me too and...
lol ya it would kinda be a waste of 800 MS pts just to change a GT that already looks like what you meant it to be :P
i see what your saying i've made something like that before and it was really hard to get the gametype all worked out
whoa i just noticed that your name is rifte gifle while i've been calling you rifle gifle wow i feel retarded :O