Hey how exactly do you do the first jump on your mini jump map? I can do the the little wall jump, but I don't go high enough! I'm sure you're...
Ya I considered doing the same thing and have it span the distance between the dunes.
I want to, but I need to decide on something to make first. What about you?
Yay you finally posted it! I like how the power core turned out, because I know you went back and forth between clear and solid. Anyways I like...
I seriously learned almost nothing from those pictures. Is this seriously it? I was hoping it would be longer. (That's what she said! :D) I will...
Here you go :) You can add this too your map thread if you wish! YouTube- Forge Hub's 7 Wonders of the World Contest: Chichen Itza
No problem! I'm also doing this because I'm so excited about my new capture card and the contest. Well, I'm sure you'll win anyways. : )
I'm with the lil flipkid on this one. It's very nicely forged and looks quite difficult but is certain to hone jumping skeelz! :P 5/5 and nice job...
I recorded a forge-through thing of your Colossus of Rhodes in HD for people to watch. I'll be doing this for each map entry but yours was so good...
Ho ho ho, next victi- I mean child please. lol that was really pretty funny and the voice acting was actually decent nice work! :D
Merry Christmas to you too! :D
Your name and sig are epic! :D
The last one is definitely my favorite. Thanks for the tutorial btw, very helpful and finally told me how to get the pixelized effect :)
Congrats on being the first to enter your 7 wonders of the world map! The map looks pretty good to me, nicely interlocked and all that. However,...
Wow that was cool! Is it hard to get the auto-turret stuck?
I loved those ODST map pack jumps. And the Linkin Park remix really made it epic.
Y hello thar
Haha he got owned. He doesn't even know the correct name for camo! He called them oversheilds :O
I thought it was pretty funny but Fluffball Gato and the #2 guy's voices sounded to much alike so you might wanna work on that a bit. Other than...
Here's an old video of mine of a weird glitch or something that I found randomly on Floodgate. v Video Description below. v And for those of you...