gasp no map today? just kidding I'm sure your probably making one right now :P lulz
uh I think like 5 or 6 but anyways sweet map Really wanna try it out!
wow that's just like me! that's why I usually don't post on this site, just look at the maps and tell the creator how I felt about it via visitor...
w00t another map! looks pretty sweet too and I really wanna try it and your other maps out! :O why won't exams be over already?! I mean seriously...
ugh... I hate exams...
well well if it isn't my old friend from LGNation! long time no see man! :D
I really would like to help but my dad jacked my xbox and says I'm not allowed to have it until after exams/finals :(
wow you've already posted a new map, but it looks beastly awesome! can't wait to try it out! :D
certainly! I've loved all your maps so far and I'm sure I will all the time ...I'm just sad that your done with the element maps... *sniff* :'(
hey you actually used my suggestion for the map name! pretty sweet looking but I won't be able to try it out until next thursday or friday when my...
I'm also astonished at your ability to construct quality maps in such a short period of time! it just amazes me! :O
hey thx for the special mention in your rhenium thread and for using my suggestion for the final two map names