Either the Sniper tower, or the three-tier tower.
Hey dude, congrats on the Promotion! :D
Pretty sweet looking. The video helped, though it was really laggy. As for gametypes, would this be more of a Slayer map or an Objective map,...
What do you mean?
Soooo, what exactly is the point of putting it on the Marketplace if you can't download it (pricey or not)?
Still pretty fun imo.
Apparently, you can already download Halo: Reach to your Xbox, but it costs 99,999 MS points (about $1200). What do you think's up with this?...
This map had my download as soon as I saw the first pic. Really nice bro. You sure that you will be able to fit within the parameters Bungie set...
I think Bungie's only trying to show us a broad variety of things that will be in the game, although they may not be all in the same game mode as...
Wow, this is like a legit Phantom. Probably the only "remake" of a Phantom that looks actually like a Phantom. Very nicely done.
Damn dude! You've been crankin' on the maps lately! This looks awesome! Download from me! :D
Oh, my bad. Cool wallpaper then! :D
It certainly looks cool, but the image itself is a little too small to be a wallpaper. It gets all pixelated if you do set as your wallpaper.
It looks kinda cool but it doesn't really look like you did anything except add a "cutout" filter to the stock photo.
Incredible. The colors all go together so well. Nice job! :D
I can't view YouTube videos because of my dad. Please add pictures.
These are all possible to do... right? Forge-wise, the map is incredible. Flawless in all I could see. It would be nice if you posted a video of...
Is this your new hell map? If so, you really started over on it then. I would've liked to see the one in the Skybubble though. I love what you did...
The picture is kind of small, but it looks really sweet from what I see. Nice job.
Cool, it was probably yours because it was decently forged and I know you're a good forger.