GreenPearl Raceway By T4K Shadow [IMG] "Welcome back, Halo 3" Why did I say that? Well, Halo 3's racetracks were awesome, twisting things of...
Thanks for the actual feedback chaos! Greatly appreciated. =] I know exactly what you mean about the 5x5 blocks, they are very boring and it's...
Why the hell would I want obstacles on a huge hill? I'm sorry but that's ridicolous. It doesn't lead to any ramps because, believe it or not some...
Kaiju Raceway By T4K Shadow Kaiju is a rough translation, meaning monster in Japanese. Okay, this is by far my longest, and possibly my...
Whatever map is created for this I strongly suggest banked walls, as it will stop it from simply rolling around the walls, because as you can see...
Why even post then?...I don't get it. This track looks nice but it looks alittle bland. Like there's hardly any aesthetics and it looks kinda...
Dayum I never thought of using the same bit of track in the same lap before, and you pulled it off beautifully! I'm not sure if I'd need your...
Robots Raceway By T4K Shadow I know I know, the name isn't amazing, but it gets the job done. This is my third Halo Reach racetrack and I...
Ah crap I declined you, I'm sorry. It's because I get a TON of randoms everyday because I'm ranked 9th in the world on Trials HD, so I'll...
I am happily accepting entries to be recorded and uploaded to my channel; llT4KProductionsll Here's an example of the quality of my capture card,...
HugeHill Raceway By T4K Shadow Original name, huh? That's right, the clue's in the name. This racetrack has a HUGE hill straight from the...
Dayum nice lap time mate! I know this track is increadibly bumpy in parts, afterall, this was my first Forgeworld creation and it was merely a...
Yeah, for some reason Bungie decided to include about 4 movable objects; the two crates, the cone, the stool, and the explosives. It's rarther...
I completely agree about all the Helms Deep remakes around, however, all the ones I played were....hmmm........terrible if I'm honest. In the File...
Update; I've added 2 new videos to the original post, one is a flythrough, and the other is a 1st-person 8v8 gamplay video of me attacking.
Ah hey Porkstein, I'm surprised you havn't whipped up a Helms Deep yet, yours was by far the best back in Halo 3. In fact, I believe that's how we...
Invasion on Helms Deep This is my third Halo Reach forged map - It's a remake of the well known Helms Deep, from the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. I...
Shoreline Raceway My first forge creation in the brand spankin' new Halo Reach. It's a racetrack located above the ocean and near the indoor...
Every single piece in the first was just placed there, this time around I took every piece and interlocked/geomerged them, creating a much better...
Deserted 2 Deserted is back!...A Year after the first. Creator - T4K Shadow Base Map - Sandbox (Default) Gametypes - Cops & Robbers (Strictly)...