The drivers don't do any damage... so they can shoot all they want but it's not going to do anything.
That was me... and thanks. Not that it matters but it looks like I beat you to this idea by about 24 hours, haha. Your sandbox one looks less...
The only reason I didn't want to do this is because in birdhouse, essentially the banshees version of this map on avalanche, the banshees can be...
Hasty Hornets [IMG] Teams: 2-4 Players: 4-12 Map Download Gametype Download I put this map together about a month ago but never posted it....
First of all I have played this map and I agree with some of these other comments, I think this map does lack a little bit when it comes to...
Only the VIP and the defending team have vehicle use enabled. While it is possible for the VIP to jump down and start hijacking ghosts, this only...
VIP(banshee pilot): 200% gravity 0% damage 75% speed The reason the VIP has lower gravity is because there are two teleporter the VIP can jump...
A Lovely Bunch of Coconuts By Morphine(Timeless161) [IMG]...
There is definitely a way to setup an honor rule free version of this game and I'd be open to sharing the idea. I know you don't care about...
This doesn't look very fun for the humans, is there anything they can do to prevent being killed as fast, flare or bubble shield maybe?
It's getting announced sometime this week, I'll keep you updated... also you should just PM me on Xforgery...
Haha, that's ok. I already finished the concept build for that hornet idea we were discussing, I just need to iron things out. I know you're not...
Definitely an improvement over death valley, my only concern is this map is too large for only 2 choppers to cover. Why not add support for up to...
You should check back at xforgery at some point, things are starting to pick up.
Hey I need some feedback on this map I made. Personally I think it's fun but probably not worth posting. Will you be on before this weekend?
I would appreciate any feedback you could give me for Valley of the Beasts. I noticed you had mentioned planning on playing it sometime this...
Actually I think he was talking about the starting area, seeing as he said the watchtowers. I agree it needs some changing, The only reason I...
No worries. My fault really, I completely forgot to update my signature. Thanks for informing me.
Hmm, seems to work for me. Are you looking at the Version 2?
The reason we set it up as a two way was so that if the VIP spawns and the banshee was not present he could jump in the teleporter and help them...