The flood are encountered in the campaign only, google search it it's been confirmed by Graeme Devine.
you have to call Xbox support and tell them you don't want it to automatically renew. At least that's what I've had to do in the past.
They do a better job describing occurences for single players, the global ones are just a cluster****.
****ing internet .... and it can't even solve my boredom today :(
I'm pretty sure if they had said that, they where probably just referring to the maps that are packed in with ODST. And I don't think Horde would...
It would be funny if you got banned from or XBL for it, glitch or not lololol
IGN: Penthouse Babe of the Day: Shawna Lenee Like if you google search that with safe search off, you can find some ... ummm interesting vid...
If you want to mod a case, it might be better to get a removable vinyl made, unless your system is newer.
so spaz jumping, then turning, then assassinating .... ahh i see now ....
Crotch Rockets are the rawksauce
IGN's babe of the day then ensuing google search ruins mine ..... especially today .. yikes ....
zomg ... lolololol
What is "/hc/" and why is it ruining your life?
ZOMG Textured ur such nub, Ps3 is teh 1337 failzorz ... omgwtfbbq ur so ghey for liekin Ps3 u prolly have sexay timez with ur momm. you know...
zomg, mistress postez sexay pr0nz!
God of war would be the only one I'd like to see jump ship really.
What does the black line mean? Or is it just lik a random design or something? I'm confused.
[/CENTER] So you're rewarding people for jumping around like a spaz and getting an assassination basically?
if you're refferring to my comment, mine was a joke ... although Insane is a little fame ***** a lot, he's still a good kid ...... most of the time.