I've already paid my Limited Edition off, can't wait for RTS Halo win
That link was apparently a one day thing like buy.coms special ..... oh well
This would never fly in the US, sucks for them lol
I remember hearing if yo stayed on Isolation for so long it changed, but I doubt this is in-game
I can't believe it's taking people so long to notice this. I remember having "sandbox" games within the first week of Halo 3 being released, but...
If you ***** about possible security issues I think they will remove credit card numbers.
You have to admit, a hot wheels Mars rover is cool, I wish I had one when I was a kid ....... lol
Now this is what I call an intelligent post. Stop speculating and/or whining because most likely it's not going to be what you want, so deal with...
I'm more interested in the Mars rover, that's ****ing awesome!
Yeah that was last weeks ... haven't gotten any new interests this week thus far
I lean towards a variety, the only ones I don't like are huge possibly inhuman ones .... I have a genuine phobia of being suffocated by a pair :/...
well those ****ers ..... it may have been Tex, he's a douche to me most times, glad he retired lol
oh .... wow .... yeah ummmm she'd have to shave for me to tap it .... but she's got a nice body. My woman has bigger **** though
that link was to a bunch of cat pictures? A kitten tried to **** you? My google search for afforementioned name came up with some brunette chick...
I am not personally familiar with Saha Grey ... no and i didn't know you where engaged?
well i don't know the whole story but it seems you have yourselfto blame .... p.s. who deleted some of my posts :/
self pwnage?
I tried to see if there was an option for it on my dashboard Friday night, no luck though. pretty sure you just got to call and hit '0' a bunch...
What are you talking about? That takes mad skillz man ..... :lol:
that's what you get for being weak, lol .....