I'm not gone, I'm golden again
:( ...
I think you should seriously consider counseling. Multiplayer maps shouldn't have such a grip on your life.
That he is
Dude .... dude ..... I'll toss your avatar's salad LOLOLOL
W00T! Jeff Gordon!
This was also pointed out 6 days ago ... here Post #58...
I'm sureBungie will drop some subtle hints sometime after Halo Wars releases, just be patient.
No underlying issues, just the working dad syndrome. Missed what?
Yep still bored at work, but I'm getting to the point I'm bored at home as well .... only Halo Wars can dig out of this boredom rut .... well...
you stole my colors still, except the blue .... bastage
LMAO You're sick! lololololol
Apparently most are too dim to realize that.
Apparently she sucks
If you look at the skull image on the achievement for finding the skull on Sandbox, the symbol on it's forehead is clearly a monitor. So most...
Apparently a noob like you lol
Just curious, didn't know if you played your own stuff or what. The Guerilla Radio thing in your blog caught my eye though, I've got a friend who...
I've always really liked phobia's cover : / .....
what kind of music does your band/you play?