well I've actually been Silver since late November of last year but I've renewed for Halo wars/ Mythic maps. So i'm basically online everyday...
oh dear, first one OK ... last one ... not so much you play Halo 3 much anymore?
********************READ THIS***************************** I know people come and stare at my page a bunch, so if you do, and ummm ... you read...
well, **** ...... it'd still be funny to see though, lololol
no wai, you dont know how much of a ***** you are
no wai! since whenz?
Porn? where? .... I always miss the good stuff .... :(
I haz Mythics .. lol
ur such a *****
idk, sounds questionable
well then you must come and pleh 2v2 with me or 3v3 with one of my friends and I at some point.
I thought you said you weren't gettin Halo Wars?
sorry man, honestly we've played together once? I play with Matt everyday almost :P It's hard to remember you lol
well you should've said something, I had a spare code but gave it to my buddy Matt yesterday
Doing alright, getting out of debt, working, got my LIVE gold back so I've been tearin it up on there occasionally.
No I haz Mythics, I haven't played on them yet, but I have them, lol
that was wrong, oh so wrong I was meaning Xbox LIVE gold you nub, but you don't play Halo Wars
Vice you must pleh Halo Wars wit me .... pleez
well **** apparently I was AFK for your b-day ... so happy belated B-day!!!!
If anyone wants to play friendly matches or team up online in Halo Wars hit me up, I think I'm ready to delve into the MM. T07WRX5 = GT Ty...