lulz, WRX man has 2 new cars, yeah me :)
Everyone kind of stopped talking to me so I drifted away, just so happened checked today. Just bought an '09 Subaru Forester and a '72 Chevrolet...
Thats an intelligent observation and works well, then base your strategy off of your scouting and don't quit even if you know you're going to...
well I haven't really been around here much ... but I did get XBOX Live back so if you want to hit up some Halo 3 or Halo Wars try and catch me.
no u ..
Thats funny, I was trying to win one so I could give it away in a contest or something ..... but oh well.
you can haz poo face
I haven't been on here in ages and I saw your comment on one of my random stupid blogs
This is probably a stupid question, but can anyone direct me to a map that has all the default Items in the Sky Bubble? I'd move them myself, but...
How'd you land Mythic without Halo wars? hmmm?
why wtf? it was a simple thing of niceness sauce stuff ...
we're messin around .... you know, like pokin fun, joking, jokester von jokington ....
oh dear, will you sit on them pleez
well wtf? why you no pleh wit me?
alright, I changed my GT, so expect a FR from a weird "what appears to be a jumble of letter and numbers, but does actually mean something"
I renewed for Halo Wars/ Mythic Maps, you have room on your Friends List for me?
i can't believe you remembered me, I'm touched
If you've read the novels: They state that the humans managed to develop a translator that would make the humans "hear" the covenant as if they...
so does Ty get to play Halo with Shock anytime soon? or are you still in the drought of not getting online?
do you even play Halo anymore :(?