Everybody I ask about Leadership element just says to do the Target Locator BS : / I think that any mission you do will work as long as you...
lol of course I did, moderator no more huh?
Apparently im out of the loop again. Just coasting along life as usual, you know, the same ol boring stuff ...
Oh well that makes me feel special .....
Dude, you're such a bad influence on me! lol, but it works for me! muah ha ha ha
Oh and I've been renovating my house ever since I moved in 3 yrs ago. Trust me it never ends. I've almost completely remodeled the whole damn thing.
LOL things are actually looking up. My wife bought me an Elite with Forza 3 for christmas and MS sent me a replacement console for the one that...
You need to complete the bonus round and it unlocks around the begninning of the 5th set.
no dude, I have no money. Expcting my baby boy to be born anytime after this week and my 360 took a ****. So yeah life is great in some places but...
your name and all your stuff is different, do you guys not use "digs" across the pond?
No love for Wu?
So you're changing your digs?
you can melee with an emtpy grav hammer in ODST and it still counts towards spree medals as well. Haven't seen it with the sword but its pretty...
odd, it didn't work the last time i tried, oh well, did this time
My connection is really pretty damn good ever since I repaired my NAT around the first week or so of Halo 3. I actually play Firefight a bunch...
Did you not read my post? I have no problems taking out jackal snipers with the Automag from behind the turret on Crater. I do notice that you...
I'm gonna have to throw the BS flag on that one, the Carbine and Automag both have a very similar range the carbine being only slightly farther. I...
Has anyone tried on Crater(Night)? I figured that it might be a fairly easy map to defend and also has the added bonus of being dark so stalkers...
Im Mountain time US, if thats close enough for you you can add me, GT: T07WRX5
I'll agree there, I would've had a Splazer spree with one shot the other day on Lost Platoon. Although it is cool to get a killtacular with one...