Maybe you should stay on-topic. I was simply asking if the map had frame-rate issues. If anyone has an attitude, it's you. So I'm guessing you...
Wasn't this that map that you went way overboard with on size? I'd have to say it's better suited for a 24-player Battlefield match, when or if...
Please tell me you haven't made another map with huge frame-rate issues...
I can't even take this comment seriously. That had very little to do with what I was saying. And at least learn basic grammar and separate your...
Zealot had potential for MLG from the beginning. It had a good layout and was better than its predecessors, Derelict and Desolation. All it needed...
Almost every map has already received a great remake. A better thing to do would be remaking a map from another game OR forging an inspired map...
You'll have to change up the layout quite a bit more than that to make this truly competitive. Changing up a few weapons doesn't make a map MLG....