I told him about that in the first thread. You should still be able to see the post there. And wow, did this really just get released? I could...
This map was pretty unique, and one of the few attempts at making a competitive map on Breakpoint that I've seen. The only real problems I have is...
All of your Invasion maps had terrible spawns and very poor overall gameplay. If I were in 343 Industries, I wouldn't want you having any...
This and... These.
He did release it earlier. He just didn't make a thread for it on ForgeHub. Everyone on MLG knows about this map and how old it is. Still a good...
This video is pretty helpful for those of you wondering to what extent each map is forgeable. Goes by a bit too fast IMO, but you should get a...
Second longest. Do you remember that map Rise awhile back? That map will not be topped. A much deserved feature. Now you'll just have to feature...
2 more mistakes from you. MLG players do not care about their stats. All that matters is the win. And it's entirely ignorant of you to assume...
I see you have come from Bungie.net First off, stats don't matter. If you had the tiniest bit of knowledge about this game, you would have seen...
Hey, didn't 343 steal the High Noon name from Decadence Night? He had his remake in the classic playlist for a pretty long time.
I'm not going to report you for your post mainly because you're a new member here, and because I'm not that big a ****, despite what ForgeHub...
I heard the same. I just hope that they mean "you can forge on it just like you can on Forge World" instead of "you can forge on these maps just...
Looking forward to all of them. Breakneck and Ridgeline could potentially return us to the truly competitive style that BTB used to have....
If you're playing CTF in a 1v1, then you're doing it wrong. And if you read my post above, the creator hasn't been active on ForgeHub for many...
Which is why it belongs in the casual section. When looking through the competitive section, you expect to find maps that are...competitive. Have...
Yes, because looks matter, right? Let's see...you're using blue ramps, an extremely bumpy object. The first sign telling me you only made this...
Difficult to vote here since for once not a single bad map has made it into the nominations. I'm gonna have to vote for Opal.
No, it's EW Snip3down. Can't you read? Yes, you are correct about my GT.
Creech hasn't been on since a day after he posted this map. He's not going to be able to pay you back.
Thought this would be a remake of Thunderdome from Marathon (Foundation's predecessor, for those who don't know). I am disappointed. The map is...