What is your secret to losing to Nibbs? I'm actually a little disappointed in this feature, since now we're going to have to look forward to 4...
Supposedly, the posts were deleted and you were banned. I've never actually seen these posts myself, but I've heard about them from a couple...
Nice job posting in a thread that has been dead for over a year. Do you even realize how stupid you look right now? By the way, download Mac xL's...
Hence why you claimed to know me in the last TGIF thread. Intentionally lying then or intentionally lying now?
So now it's his fault that these forums are so short-sighted? I almost laughed at that one. Schnitzel is anything but in the wrong right now. In...
I hear that you made some posts in the most recent TGIF thread claiming that you knew me. ...Who are you?
I've reached my skill ceiling so there's very little I can improve on there. A lot of my problems in matchmaking are problems relating to my...
Orion, because I hate mini-games (Scopeless) and I've yet to play the other three maps. I imagine Oracle would play fairly well based on what I...
Memento by Noooooch One of the absolute best maps I've ever played. Masterful forging, punishing gameplay that reminds me of H1, and difficult...
It took a bit for me to get the feel of the map, but once I did, this became one of the best 4v4 maps I've ever played, and that's saying a lot...
LOL @ These upstart forgers that have yet to make a single decent map coming on here and thinking they're better than established forgers. You...
<3 To be honest, this is a really bad first map. I think Noooooch had one of the few first maps that I'd consider "good," though his earlier maps...
Yes, I do play in the MLG playlist, if that's what you're asking. This conversation is going nowhere, so I'm ending it here.
Words cannot describe how stupid you just made yourself look. And just saying, but based on how poorly you played in the few games I've had...
Stevo, you silly troll. When was the last time you won a game against me? Hmm...8 months ago?
Did you really have to bump a map thread this old to post some (hopefully) troll feedback?
What? People still play bloom? In the rare time that I'm forced to play bloom, I don't pace or spam more. To answer your question, I usually pace...
Building a map based off of a map that hasn't even been completed yet? Clearly you don't understand what a remake is...This map is a huge mess.
Have started* My garbage internet connection wouldn't let me change that. Not a fan of the name. I think the tD name would have been better,...
Bump. The 4v4 events have started. Reality Check vs Shady Halo Kids coming up next. Hopefully the good matches start coming up later this day.