I am freaked out at even the thought of the black hole, but the discoveries they said it would help find would be enormously influential, and...
ha! I didn't. Have headphones to listen to it.
meh, I don't really like turkey; salami, that's the way to go.
what?!? You can team up for the comp? Oh well, I'll try and get my map up tonight.
you better not be a fenwick friar
I know, that's seriously an epidemic here. If I post it on FH I'll make sure I put in big letters that it was supposed to be made withour interlocking
I know that we are supposed to link to a bungie net thread in the submission thread, but does posting our map on FH get us disqualified, you said...
hey, get back to the countdown
The map is amazing, and very aesthetic, I give it a 5/5, but can you give a diagram of how it is an S like what you did for Project X, because...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4wfbInKhTM&feature=relatedyou just do http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4wfbInKhTM&feature=related[./media] without...
These videos annoy my sooo much, but I still watch them and I don't know why
I was in forge with you yesterday and you said that I had posted in your map saying it needs more interlocking, but I can't find the post
Completely interlocked, completely aesthetic, and looks like it has great gameplay. I give it a 4.5, the .5 gone is because the map is escapable...
Zeeak, this thread is not for map submissions, Here! is a link to the thread for submissions, this one is solely for discussion. When you submit...
That sucks, its one of the few maps that I have kept on my console.
hey Dom, why did thriller get locked?
what is up with your rep?
The videos are pretty sharp, but I'm just wondering how this got 17,000 views in one week