I like the blurring to make the ODST stand out it looks really cool but the rain doesn't look so good. try the sig again with out the rain.
I like it
so you shift-Ded a bunch of cubes?
do you have enough posts?
oh that made my day.
and there for nuff said.
it is interesting I'll give you that but, it isn't overly special.
I love the first one keep up the good work. also what's up with the skizers in the second one?
I like the bottom one better.
no not really perhaps a touch more green in the back ground.
well it isn't exactly what I normally go for but it looks good all the same.
I have one question far anyone not living above the influence: what does that look like when your high?
well I like it.
what if you tried it with nova and jucy?
well it is interesting I'll give it that.
wow. Lockdown hasn't given any input yet?
FH User Name: Hellclown Render/Stock:something Unreal Tournament 3 (Necris) Text/Name Wanted:Hellclown Layout Description: Lets just pretend that...
i donno seems kinda meh to me.
They take any where from 4 hours to several days. What do you mean by both sides?If you mean the rest of the case than yes I CAN paint it but I...