I liked the cans the most.
I like where you put the text it breaks the flow of the sig and draws your attention to the words.
stalker good sigs but your still a stalker
lol photoshoper error.
There isn't much to learn you just use a plane and make it into the shape that you want. I use it mostly for terrain and that kind of thing every...
Alright whatever, the offer still stands if you should change your mind.
If you use sketchup you have to unlearn it later. I would just stick with 3DS and GMAX
So do you want me to code that or not?
I use GIMP but than again I don't make much of anything except crappy animations.
Hey rav just asking if you wanted me to code this or not? I ask because I just finished a beta by which I mean that I mean that it tell yu...
well yes that is what it is supposed to do but Lockdown is a bit of a prefectionest. pardon spelling errors
wile I under stand what your saying you worded it kinda weird. as to adding code to make this a true generator I might possibly be able to help...
Yeah I realized that after I opened it. what would happen it I were to shrink an emblem down to 100 x 100 would it loose quality or not? If it...
I think that they look really cool with the whole contrast thing wouldn't mind one myself if you'd be so kind.
600 x 600 ia avatar size isn't it? Also thank you I will use this eventually.
What's the joke?
I have a friend who just moved to Driggs. I think that's how you spell it.
so your from Sandpoint Idaho?
Wile I know that I just hade some one make me a new signature I was wondering if anyone would be willing to make me one that was themed after H.P....
Wrong and unique are different.