I need a map for a machinima that I'm working on, I need it to be on Sandbox. Mandatory Requirements: -Must be on Sandbox -Must look like a...
nice, what game are the Elites from?
I'll give it a try.
I will do that... right after I get MSoft points... or go to my friends.
I fail to see the geo-merging I see lots of interlocking, but no geo-merging.
nice solution.
I working on something like this for a school project.
In GIMP to dram a straight line you click then press and hold shift then click again.
you spelled awesome wrong.
do what?
I ended up doing that, I would like a higher quality picture though.
what was it originally?
I didn't have time to do that this morning and my teacher was taking a grade today, which I needed the picture for. EDIT: I need pictures of the...
Crypt planner I'm writing a program for one of my classes and I need a picture of the crypt floor, does anyone have one? I also need pictures...
I don't like the border/border color. Try black.
I'll help.
My friend and I made one, it's still kinda ify I'll put it on my file share if you want.
so these are Sketch up models or actual hand drawings?
What movie?
The second one is easier to read, but the first one looks cooler. Are they hand drawn or is it all Photoshop?