Thank you! You should have put "1st!" too haha.
I believe the correct term is "Herp-a-derping"
Though I'm sure this has been addressed earlier in this thread (Kind of just looked through bits and pieces of it) I just wanted to add some...
Definitely man.
Congrats on snatching that well earned 1st place title! Sexy map, Ace.
Haha, still worrying about school too much. I'm not self disciplined whatsoever.
No worries, and I've had my own ideas for a slendy series. You on skype?
I can definitely see Gemini in the purple octagon and I can see The Pit in the 3rd picture. Keep at it guys, looks really promising.
I just feel like they may end up getting too far into who and what is going on, if too much is revealed then the mystery will be taken away and I...
I kind of have my hopes in this one, I honestly think it's portrayal of the actual slender man is good. There's mystery behind him. You also have...
YouTube - 13 BLACK (The Slender Man Movie) Interesting yes?
Hide and seek is fun
Grats on the spotlight Grim!
Quoted from October 14th! Yes, that long ago... and I still stand by this comment from last year. Grats!
I'll explain that over skype, but I'm hopefully getting back to xbox in general soon.
P.S. Urban now haz skype urban_myth_xxxx
I think the video in this link is a slenderman hunt... You should understand if you listen to it....
Rifte, I'm so glad that you posted the map and I'm also really sorry that I randomly disapeared when you may have needed the help. But it looks...
Pause at 7:27 for a good laugh for it's irony :) "It's not whether we believe in gods but how we TREAT each other that says the most about our...