No I didn't. Look, here I am! :D
I recommend watching the videos first by the way.
Creepy + Pasta: Majora Thought this was an interesting read. Fake or not, it's kinda creepy. I approve!
Or real cars.... >:)
I hope so, **** the Westboro trolls.
YouTube - ORAL FIXATION AND YOU!‏ Skip to 1:20 if you want something to shake your fist and curse at. Westboro is going to try to...
Nope, besides it's sticky.... A wild Urban appeared! the way :)
Congrats on the feature! And your mechanism has me thinking of a potential challenge for a puzzle map :)
This needs posting :) YouTube - THE AGONIST - Business Suits and Combat Boots (OFFICIAL VIDEO)‏ ..and this too I guess :) YouTube...
Matt.... hai
You will be proud of #2 :) YouTube - Halo Reach: Top 10 Unusual Kills: Episode 22 by Anoj‏
YouTube - Dethklok - Birthday Dethday (Sub Eng/Esp) In case you didn't get this over skype. Happy Bday :D
Well from what I can see, you have a good understanding of map design, something that is rarely seen among new members. But keep in mind I'm just...
It's more because I cannot reach my xbox at the moment...
Haha well then my chances are doubtful if it's tomorrow.
YouTube - Minecraft: Easily Programmable Redstone Ticker Display O_O
Thanks for putting this up for me man. Too bad the first comment is from the creator haha.
Thank you :D