Lol ya i doubt they will catch one time or two... also Needs More Interlocking did that piss you off Dthen lol. Um ya count me in Gt: STK OW GURR....
One my last name is Boyle and graduated in 06 and my other i was messing with my twin and as a joke typed in STK OW GURR (ogre) as in STK Hotshy...
I lol'd there you go no verticies and has four sides. what more do you want
They are all quite simple in my opinion, After a little tideous searching you can encounter them all. I don't know if anyone has thought of using...
I think just a simple needeler would work nice maybe extend it to make it longer but then again thats too much like purple monsters. You could...
This looks like a pretty good map guy, maybe take more action shots and less in forge shots. also work on cleaning the map up for a v2 thing seem...
Wow those are really cool i like them all alot... I really like the final countdown. nice work on that one. I also like blue was here or whatever....
IM really good at fixing them but better at breaking them... ive fixed bout 3 n one was almost done phreakie had worked on it a long time but...
is it possible to stack the walls on something like double "blocks" (LAWL) and then it is flat? is this on all 3 levels? and is the only way to...
okay so if pallets stay til something touches them then they fall... right? then it would be possible to make a map with imovable objects...
um also they spawn in the order they were spawned if im not mistaken from my switch days im like 80% sure of that Edit: also its 180 if DEEJ or...
you cant put something on spawn at start no and respawn Never... doesnt work that way nice try tho... randomizing is something hard to do with halo
Lockouts- br3, s3 and lift and Pits- long hall they are places where you can see a lot and also snier/ BR pr long range weapon areas... there is...
i dont no much bout this but ya i believe thats what he is referring to
ILL DO IT.... i'm going to build a giant fire breathing dragon with a switch to make his claws swing... it will take up most of foundry....
k um it is our collab... so i had reason to jump in and dont reply cause ur a ***
STFU bout grimace phreakie will beat u with a noodle or multiple noodles and btw elation blows LAWL
u no that was a VERY difficult merge and i thought we were both open to i was doing it IF I COULD... escapable part is one nade bounce which i...
hey how did testing go... sorry i couldnt make it... and did u manage to move either of the sign go in????