raven no you cannot you must have the tag as an option or it wont work and tag injecting is not possible as of now and the map will not load if...
you cannot mod Halo 3 to cheat matchmaking without hacking the system that runs the map and only Bungie has done this in their Sandbox humpday....
i did run across that map today also and im not taking sides but i think BAMF is right this looks just like the map and i dont think sheild doors...
on your map their is a place where after someone enters a mongoose the barrier moves then respawns and you can get inside the gap then it spawns...
Map voting for: Collision Reason: I enjoy the layout and feel it well accomidates a large number of ppl testing: Ya
Actually you could make a moving box if you had it go like everytime it moved perks i cant help with and just a little idea for you even though...
Ya i've been thinking how to keep it close with sandbox i asumed with blocked off towers would be the only way but through my observations it...
Okay so through much thought i have decided to bring my next map to the community and see what remake everyone thinks i should create. I want to...
I would like to see how this all works... I go legit and can go legit but i might want to play a game or two with you guys GT: STK OW GURR...
i was looking at ur **** zombi map post and i noticed you had some of the same problems w/ your connection as ive been happening... for me their...
Hey Gollum I couldnt comment on GoO so i thought i would tell you here if you are still doing Musuem the clue map you could do an "exibit" on the...
YA but did you put your OWN starting points.. It want choose respawn points you need to place starting pts and respawn pts
Congrats I like the map alot good work I assumed this would be featured
no that tech. is not possible, you may consider multiple elevators, or you could buil the elevator linked below and do it this way Forging it:...
to make it cirrculate simple have where every you want it to stop have a fusion coil break the grav lift then it can start over. and i no all the...
WOW... win thinking. you earned yourself a cookie I hadn't even thought of that but that would be awesome. I hope a w/e the thing was fits in the...
i think he is saying the grav. lift landed on it and stayed there. and since the grav lifts from below and above it it kept dragging it up and...
sounds like a good idea tho it will be very cramped for flying with limited resources i mean one out off 4 walls u wont have to make but three you...
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