lol not that amazing ill give u a reveiw when u post tho... and i cant wait til its done how long u think itll be... i dont have my xbox right...
no no no... i wasnt... actually i really wasnt i like dimmest bread... and i dont wanna get on NEONES bad side.. but u were out # lol so i joined in
i hada forge through looks nice... even tho u gave up our colab over that 6 week waiting... and yes JEEF is a biggy on geo merge and aethetics......
hey congrats.... nice work
WOW.... this is obviously worthy of a sizey reveiw... and will indeed be getting one from me... first and for most i would like to point out the...
(GASP!) wow... that was legit... those guys r good... that must have taken more time then the mario 64 guy... wow.... that was really cool tho......
nice map... the original zombies is the best form... you should make it so u can bow in the doors by pushing stuff but if u mess up u ruined it...
lol well not really... forging is starting to get REALLY bored
if u say so... n i donno i think u coulda done something better w/ it tho... like EMO... that would be a good theme.... well i have it but i have...
thought i would nvr see it up lol... nice work did u end up doing spawns urself...
OM MY FINALLY lol... n u didnt have to put the boyle06 part lol... but it looks really nice not sure i like the front pic tho... but the rest...
i have my xbox again... we can get started FINALLLy... and i am not sopossed to be on till the weekend which means wed. but i might get on early...
while then its more of subtle gameplay changes....