I think you have a great idea going here B3NW, but why not take this concept and make it even "bigger" I mean yeah ok it may be big already, but...
Well apart from the fact that tower of power is played on ascension originally which would mean that the most epic tower of power map we could...
What about, an Arctic human city? With a snowy city complex and then a vast expanse of snowy areas :D
Why bring religion into the topic.... Just sayin
Raiders of the lost fridge gametype.
Epic cave complex.
I have a feeling that this map+reach=awesomesauceonaplate. Yes thats right, on a plate.
Ah, thanks for the input. I never thought about trying to work with forge on my own... Now i seem like an idiot :P Ah well, i'll look you up when...
My best idea currently is a large tower (you are inside the tower) And there are many bridges heading up the tower. At the top of the tower is a...
A human city would be a very cool addition imo. I would also like to see a forest/jungle themed map... That could be cool. Although the jungle map...
Sooo this being my second post not many of you will know me... In fact none of you will know me but thats not an issue :) I found it hard to...
The wheel from zanzi/last resort would be easy to make but from what we have seen at the moment hard to make son around if not impossible