Reminders for hibiki: Generator tower replacing the shade turret. With more interior structures on the first and second levels.
I think its good dancing.
In my opinion, and from what i found with playing with my friends, following the trend of every other weapon in this map, the needler isn't great...
Yeah but i mean, midnight is harsher than 7pm in a way cause it means i will probably end up having to wait till the morning as ill be sleeping :P
Awww man. I have to wait till midnight to get the update :(
Bungies new armour looks so leet srs.
Oddball would work if you had a ball on each base, but that also relies on the fact that the runner would have to remember to pick up the ball and...
You should definitely work on trying to build a H3/H:Reach baseball league :) Haha. And this map was very creative. Me and my friend had a lot of...
Gamertag: Mr Magashi Times you can get on: 4pm - 9pm GMT (Im from london) Mic yes/no?: Yes Something describing yourself: An easy going guy who...
So basically what your saying is that your ideas and opinions mean more than mine and therefore as a result you are not going to attempt to make...
I dont know about a name but i think this map would be cooler if the dark grey part (currently your bottom level) was in fact a top level and the...
The giant walls only cost 10? Wowz0r
Heh, Maybe i will. But really the guy who should get credit is whoever invented how you make a door on foundry teleport. Cause its essentially...
Use a shield door, and then place the boundary to be touching the door, that way, when a player touches the shield door. they teleport = Gives the...
Perhaps you can place it in mid air by using the fixed physics (Or whichever one it is that allows it to stay in the air) and then tap X or...
Lol i fail at using sketchup.... its funny because i have to use 3D modelling software for my school work but yet i cant use sketchup...
No tower was definitely 150.
The only confusing part of this map is the multiple levels part. But it becomes less confusing when you have around 5 people in the map as most of...
Yeah i admit the centre boxes are shockingly bad. I got lazy when i got to that point as i had already been getting all angry with the game for...
Hey and welcome to my thread about Crossfire. Crossfire being my new foundry map. Crossfire is my first ever map created on forge and is designed...