I personally do wait for them, i was just saying it about the people who are complaining about having to slow down gameplay to wait. If you really...
So, i love Team SWAT (not against kids who jump around like they have ADHD though :() and i was wondering if anybody else here on forgehub shared...
GT: Soupburger Joe Timezone: GMT Nights: Any except for monday (I work on a monday, although being GMT means i should be free any time really...
I saw a guy who had apparently gotten "A monument to all your sins" as his first achievement.... Ermmmmm fail at modding much?
I have currently been doing the Solo Legendary and have done 3 of the missions (not including lone wolves or the cutscene). Its not hard, just...
Is it just me who has a feeling that we may well be able to craft the portals? (Eventually at least if not at first)
Hell world is out?
I dont have any windows install discs on hand. I lost them
unlucky, man. Oh yeah b3n i gave up on trying to get my mac to run properly, ill just use my crappy PC and when i get some money buy a new Windows...
Alright doing this now.
Failed to connect to the server java.net.SocketException: Invalid Argument I looked on the minecraft.net forums for a fix and so far there are...
Nah i keep getting a java.socketexception: Invalid Argument error, its not the games fault is the mixture of the game and java coding not working...
Sweet, Its a shame that SMP doesnt work with mac os yet :(
Can you get them to work with macs? :)
So, we were having a chat in the chatbox (where else!) and we ended up designing a shelter for 12 people. So i just had this idea that we could...
I have to say this map does look very interesting. It looks like it combines many different good aspects of gameplay. I would be happy to test it...
Epic win :P
What is HLG? And what is the song in the start of the video? It sounds like its by Justice.
Do more testing.... It simply seems that the defenders were a better team than the attackers to me.
Both, currently don't have an electric till about tuesday though.