The rocks were meant to be in a gradually increasing height. Hence why they were like that.
My most recent map is the only one i have ever done any form of solid planning. All the other maps i plan mentally, and therefore tend to make a...
The map looks really fun to play on, i'm assuming those orange bars down the walls on a couple of pictures are shield door ladders? If so then all...
Well, if i get some play tests organised for saturday, hopefully releasing it early next week some time. Or if i don't have time to fully release...
The idea of having it hard to run the objecting on the ground is meant to be like that to promote gameplay on the uper tiers of the map. Otherwise...
Thanks haha, I feel a bit silly when people comment on my "Nice structural designs" I don't plan out any of decorations on buildings. I started...
There is a death barrier. The tower is there to remove the ability to climb those rocks (the ones people climb in infection on asylum.) I would...
Harsh feedback. Yes the map looks pointless however, i built it with flow in mind. The top isn't campable and the lines of sight actually are not...
Oh yeah. I wasn't really paying attention :) I tend to have trouble doing that when I'm doing like 20 things at the same time :P
Oh yeah haha, I knew i was forgetting somebody :P What do you think of the semi-final product?
Well, its basically finished now just putting in support for CTF, Infection and Assault, Oh and FFA slayer too.
The other reason it is there is to stop people from being able to jump straight across, its really just to influence gameplay around the circle...
The one way shield stops the grav lift from firing you into the kill-ball. I have tested it about 200 times and not once did i ever come close to...
So this is a map i have been throwing together with TheGreatHibiki and Teh Krush (I just deleted most of what he did :P) in the Quarry area of...
I'm just going to throw it out there that the OP was a guy who did not know of TF2 outside of the orange box for Xbox 360. Edit: Lol@The idea of...
No, its just with regular grav lifts it stops stacking after a certain amount, I know 2 will definetely stack perfectly.
Errr i swear in an interview Notch jokingly said he would consider it for a future friday update.
Especially seeing as they know how to organise a DDoS which wouldn't be an on the spot sort of job.
So in order to get more patches the destroy the patch servers... Oh wow, that guy's intelligence levels amaze me.
The most annoying thing with armour lock is when you are in a ghost and ramming people from behind, they see the big blob on the mini-map and jump...