IW and another company are making single player. And a different company is making multiplayer. Which is good because IW suck at MP...
He never once denied being inspired by notch and his work. In fact he once even said something along the lines of notch opening the doors for new...
Mehrunes Dagon once ruled over tamriel but the other daedra princes banished him to the oblivion planes for some reason or another. He now has...
Looks brutal! I can't wait to get my hands on it.
It doesn't matter anyway. Minecraft will always be number one to me. I may well get fortress craft just for a bit of fun now and then and hey,...
infected for spam... hmmmmm so we got rid of infractions and now just give people diseases? hah anyway, i think fortresscraft will be FUN. Who...
The monsters spawn if they are currently already near you. If no monsters are near you when you sleep nothing will go wrong
Mhm i want plug-ins so i can make a monster hunting island like a pokemon ranger park :P
I want to start my own server but i need to trick this guy i know into giving me free hosting :P
I thought squid only spawn in dark water.
I could make a minecraft forum community much like this one if anybody wanted to help me out with it. Up to you guys.
matt's server is dead D:
Lol, you guys still value HPM's opinions?
There is another map called Pier 17. It is a bit like skyline BUT there is a lot more open space and the sniper is more useful.
Mongoose what texture pack is that?
Until the kamikaze shrubs come and blow it up because sometimes you need to learn that life will just **** on you.
I can get brink and crysis 2 1st hand on pre-order for like £20 quid, gotta love reward cards :P
I wish somebody would hurry up and get hmod working :/
i don't think SMP is working on macs...
Yeah man, could be cool.