Shooter This thread is dedicated to nominating games for Shooter of the Year. Shooters involve just that, alot of shooting. Some examples of...
I'm sure many people would believe me that 2008 was filled with many disappointments in games. Remember, disappointments can still be good games,...
[IMG] The gears of war continue to turn as Marcus Fenix and his squad of Cogs go back into action in the sequel to Microsoft and developer Epic...
Yes, I know I've been making alot of L4D threads, but bare with me here. There have been a number of glitches that have been found that ruin the...
Source Important stuff is bold Solid details on the first batch of Left 4 Dead downloadable content should be out "shortly," according to...
I got Left 4 Dead for Christmas and I have basically fell in love with it. However, expert mode is just kicking our asses, and by us I mean...
Bad Quality Watch in HD if you can here
Forgehub's Game of the Year Voting Notice: I would like for people to PM me their vote so that we can keep the winner somewhat of a surprise....
Everyone knows that GTA4 won GOTY on Spike TV's VideoGame Awards. However, many people at FH have expressed that they feel other games were more...
I saw this game a while back in a GI magazine, and now I just recently stumbled upon it again. It looks like a more lighthearted MMO than most...
Nintendo Apologizes For Racial Slur in Animal Crossing Press Carts Nintendo says offending word was inserted accidentally via wireless catchphrase...
I'm looking for a good laptop under $500. Don't bother telling me I can't get a good one out there for under $500. All I need to be able to do is...
Activision revealed their plans for several sequels to popular games. These include: Guitar Hero 5 (Not actual name) A new Tony Hawk game Call of...
This must've taken forever! Whatever happened to Dizzy. We saw him when him and Tai were fighting Skorge that first time and then never again. What are...
I just thought I would get everyone's opinion here at forgehub about FarCry 2. This game was extremely hyped up with a great map editor, Immersed... Pretty flippin' sweet, huh? Can't wait for this game. This is a trailer for the upcoming Guitar Hero Metallica. you can watch this trailer in GH:WT MoP is...