[spoiler] This game makes me laugh because of how bad it is. So, what are some of the worst games...
Gamespot may have turned the very concept of it into an April Fool’s gag, but EA will indeed be releasing a PSP-exclusive entry in its Rock Band...
Official Steam News 02-24-2009 07:28 PM -------------------------------------------- A free update for the Xbox 360 version of Left 4 Dead is...
Left 4 Dead Reaches Ultimate Milestone: Parody Porn Congratulations, Valve. You've finally made it to the big leagues. Some enterprising...
This is truly one of the most amazingly, mind-bottling things I have ever seen! Extra...
There are some people *cough*Diz*cough*, who believe that the focal point of a signature should never be in the center of the signature. IMO,... Lose Win...
New Guitar Hero Games Activision reveals compilation game, and hints at a major new Guitar Hero game later this year. by Jason Ocampo...
The runaway success of Left 4 Dead made a downloadable add-on something of a foregone conclusion, but only this morning did creator Valve...
Flower is an upcoming PlayStation 3 game to be released on the PlayStation Network. The game is being developed by ThatGameCompany2007 and was... I can't help but laugh almost everytime I see this commercial.
What is the hardest achievement you have seen? Mine would probably be "Nothing Special" on L4D. This achievement requires that you not take... in High Quality if possible Here we will try to sum up everything we know about this promising...
Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock reaches $1 Billion in sales Showing how big of a role name recognition plays in the videogame market, Guitar...
I saw trailers for this game some time ago. I thought I would take another look at it and saw this trailer:...
Strategy Games This thread is dedicated to nominating games for Strategy Game of the Year. Strategy games are games in which the players'...
Music Games This thread is dedicated to nominating games for Music Game of the Year. Music Games usually have to do with simulating playing an...
Downloadable Games This thread is dedicated to nominating games for Downloadable Game of the Year. Downloadable games are games that are...