Howd u get warned your probably one of the coolest on this site.
Im workin on this awesome map that you should check out... Il show you next week cause i got grounded lol...
just got grounded i wont be on XBL for a week but il still be on FH
its cool, however what about camofo
lol you better not.. I just got grounded so i wont be on either.. But next TGIF may i take control lol.. Jk but if you can thatd be sweet.
Lol new kid on the block . Thats cool how you were chosen since youve been a member for a long time youre definately experience.. May the Forge be...
hey dude can I join the non-premiums im a good forger I just havnt posted any of my recent maps.. Oh Camofo is wondering why he wasnt invited into...
Yo its St4plgun
Wooooooooooooh!! its finally released.. I tell you Orbital this is a whole different style for you and you did an amazing job.. I feel like you...
I cant really consider downloading this map until i get more information and pictures sooo... Improve on that please?
Nice idea, However looks very sloppy in some areas... Tryto improve on that please :)
Theres been a couple Non-DLC maps on forgehub .. but definately not enough Why? Because everybody is consistant on creating these amazing looking...
looks good yet simple at the same time.. I dont understand why its called Nightfall if its clearly sunrise on that map.. I like your idea of...
grats on mod
The teeth looks really cool and a very inspiring part... Im glad that you used geo-merging on uneccisary parts of the map in order to keep out...
congratz dude.. Its St4plgun so dont think i added you randomly
ur a meanie pants u didnt gimme a part on the rick-rolled =p lol
Yo... wassup...dude...Yo...wassup...dude...Yo...wassup...dude...Yo...wassup...dude...Yo...wassup...dude... Im bored... R u on Halo ryte now?
nuthin much
I guess this looks good for a non - DLC map but try making one on DLC maps to get more Dls