ya thats my gamertag when do you want to go on?
should i make the flash longer?
[IMG] Let me know if you want it changed
ya hje is new but i taught him a shitload of stuff right off the bat he is getting really good really fast!
ya ill try it
HOLY ****! when the hell did you get event staff! congrats man! lol first bloodfire then you. so how did it happen? did they just randomly ask you...
lol this is a ggreat sig, especially for your first. i look at that and tehn look at my first one and i want to cry cause of how pathetic my first...
ya my aim is teeravbabykicker
hey to resize your render all you have to do is open it up in the sig as a new layer and then go to the option bar at the top and click...
uh its not working again but this time nothing comes up, not even that otehr site.
i would but im lazy
no but seriously can you make a funeral thread for it lol
can you please go to off topic and post a funeral thread for gamevee... its so sad!... it left without any warning at all!... *sniff* *sniff*
No!!!!!!!! Now the only way to show people your halo pownage on the computer is with a capture card!!! Which costs money!!!!
hari i love that sig of yours. i dont see why you arnt using it as your current sig, but i guess its your choice. can you give me a link to the...
bungie did say that there would be new forge stuff. i am pretty sure they said that... i think it was in the first or second announcement about...
AMEN BROTHER! You said what everbody is thinking. or atleast all the people who aren't insane with getting recon. i would plus rep you but rep...