Why would you post it if its not done? We can't really say if a map is good or not until it is fully functional.......
I did think of a few areas where interlocking could be used, but there weren't alot. I tend to judge where interlocking is needed by...
Oh. I did not know that. If/when I make the V2 of this map, I will make sure to change the name.
I think it'd be hard to find a name that hasn't been used yet. Though I suppose I could pull the ol'thesaurus out...... I was hestitant about...
Not bad...one question: How is the Elite going to get the Flag down to Earth? Thats one hell of a first step.....
It looks pretty good...but I have visions of BR hell for some reason......
http://haloscreenshots.net/gallery/3E73D72FA476A3243C1E062E967D7C57/"][IMG][/URL] Taken on Orbital duing a CTF Match. Who says radiation...
This is Grindstone, a Sandbox Crypt update of my Foundry map Grinder. Te idea behind this map was to try and satisfy some of those symmetrical map...
You can make your own thread by selecting "New Thread" on the forum. And the map I've envisoned is a symmetrical, medium sized arena map, built...
I'm looking for some help in makig a Foundry map. While I know what I want the map to be, and know with a decent amount of certainity that I could...