I sense a hint of Killball with a smattering of Gloomy Filter and an explosion.....
Everyone keeps saying things like that, and I thought it too....once. However, that idea got crushed..pretty much as soon as I started looking...
While the OP was kind of whiny, I going to have to offer this bit of advice-you may actually want to take your advice and not try to Forge. As...
I know this might sound silly.....but try flipping the boxes on Foundry upside-down. The bottoms of the boxes are completely flat and level....
I know which wall you're talking about. I spent about 45 minutes trying to get that one wall and pillars next to it be perfectly flat, or at least...
After runnign around on it, I can say I like it even more now.
My apologizes, but I made a mistake with the map download link. This is the correct link. The old link lead to old version of the map that...
I know that it is necessary in areas, more so when the map is actively working against you (like in the map I'm working on, Shalestone, where the...
Buy the Mythic Map for the other two, even if you don't like Sandbox that much. Assembly and Orbital, even in their default forms are some of...
Whoops...my bad.
Now I know this is a touchy subject here...but I have to ask...what is it with people wanting EVERYTHING interlocked or geomerged?:frustrated: I...
You know what the issue with your "river" is? The river in HCE and H2 didn't reflect grenades back up or away...the shield doors do. Which...
Did you place all the spawn points? Objective Markers? What about weapons? Equipment? If you delete things, you'll be deleintg parts of the...
You...can't...finish...the....map...if...you...don't...start....over..... *facepalm*
That would be your issue. Do not use balnk versions of Sandbox. Bungie made it so that the objects that are part of the default Sandbox layout...
Did it have the objects stacked to the side or just deleted?
I'[m looking at the map and it doesn't seem like you should have hit the object limit yet.....what was the name of the map you started from? Was...
Its not bad.....but the one they have up on the Sandbox Community Choice thing right now for Bungie is a bit better. Slightly bigger, cleaner, and...
Well, that makes a little more sense, but if I were you, I would go in, make take everything as far as you can, make everything you want (CTF,...
Ok, I'm sold. I like it. A lot. My question is how did you get some of the textures and such to appear, and make the water area look like water?