Did someone say my name? I'm going to download this now, and take a look after I have dinner. After walking around the map, it looks very nice....
Earlier yesterday, I was dicking around in Forge, trying to come up with a new map idea. I happened to be on Anchor 9, and of course that has...
One of the big reasons is that Bungie didn't include a flat, symmetrical outdoor section for people Forge with; if you want to make a map...
1: Lights can cause huge amounts of framerate. Try taking those out. 2: Too many objects all stacked interlocked can cause framerate drops. Try...
It looks damn good. I actually got to walk around in after I dropped in (uninvited) into a game by Oakley Hidef. Its damn good, and I think it...
Ok, since I'm on a new mission to try and improve as many of the maps that came with Halo: Reach as possible, I've been working on a couple. I've...
I'm actually looking for people right now to test my Hemorrhage Re-make. I need 15 people....but no one on the Customs List is playing Reach, or on.
Earlier yesterday on the Bungie.net forums, I made this thread talking about how I went back to some of the older Halos looking for ways to...
I guess I'll add this. I admit though, I see this going as well as most of the other attempts of its kind; terribly.
I downloaded and walk around in it a bit. Its definitely nice to look at, and its laid out well. The entire time looking at the stairs I was...
It looks awesome, but with all these multiples of objects interlocked togther, I can see the framerate taking a huge hit on this map.
Dot: 56 seconds to destination. Jorge: Well, timer's busted. I guess I'll have to stay here and heroically sacrifice myself. Noble Six:...
Current Armor [IMG] Then I can't decide which of these I want more. JFO Armor 1 [IMG] Security SPARTAN [IMG] Operator SPARTAN [IMG]
If you could, that would be great. I did it in both "Virtue" and "Contempt". If you could, could you add the "Overview" picture as the thumbnail?
This is a map I've only just started working on. It isn't currently playable (no spawns or objectives), but I've come pretty far. I wanted to make...
EDIT: Please pardon the lack of board picture for this map. I made a mistake when entering the URL for this map and my other map, Virtue....
EDIT: Please pardon the lack of display picture on the board. I made a mistake when entering the URL for the picture of this map and for Contempt....
This map is one of the two I'm working on for the Forgetacular contest. This is the Team Slayer map, Contempt. Its also designed to work well with...
It doesn't look anything like Death Island. I played the PC version a lot; I would know. There just isn't a good place to re-do it on Forge...
I know Thursday is currently full, but if you get some no-shows, I'd like to test a map. GT: Paragon Fury Map: Crucible Gametype: Capture the Flag