Are you already screwed if you deleted them at the start and plan on replacing them? Both of my maps already have 6-8 hours into them, and I...
Having only recently started to mess around with the new Forge in Halo 5, there are three things I'm really missing; - The prefab structures,...
Its maps like this that make me feel small as a Forger. You've taken a map that I had written off as "Unforgable" and turned it into a playable,...
Well, I did get to play a 2v2 on it earlier today. It played fairly well, but I was right; there is a big framerate problem over by Red Corner...
It looks nice, but from the screenshot it looks like you'd have what Bungie would've called "Too much hallway, not enough dance floor". It seems...
Maybe its just me but from the pictures I'm having trouble putting the image of the complete map together in my head. It is possible to take...
Well, a little while ago I began working on my second ever asymmetrical ever, and the first one I was trying to make definitively fit into the...
I don't think it needs to be quite that extreme. Proper spawning, teleports and cover for the teleports would help a lot for Snipers, and those...
What? People trying, or the maps just not working?
I've seen that map (and several like it before), its well forged, but even if I hadn't looked on the map personally, I already noticed several...
Some of you may remember way back when in the Halo 3 Forge Vidoc when Bungie said that within weeks people would be using Forge to fix their maps....
I did not say mine was better than yours at any point. I said that Coagulation remakes all of the same problem of sight-lines and base...
1: Its not desecration. Its telling the truth. Positive feedback is basically useless; you learn more from losing than winning, and you learn more...
I would, but Overkill VR has removed his version from his Fileshare, so I cannot show you.
I'd understand because I know gameplay well enough to know what certain things are going to do without even having to play on them; that comes...
I've played other Coagulation remakes that have done the bases like you have before, and I have to say the same thing about them to yours; the...
Thank you; from what we played, the Snipers and Hammer turned out to be the most important power weapons; most people ignored the Shotguns and FRG.
Classic Hemorrhage had Banshee's too, and Coag had Scorpions for BTB. I left both of those out due to power; I left the Wraiths in because they...
Array - Long since silenced, this site becomes active with battle anew! Recommended Players: 2-10 Recommended Gametypes: Capture the Flag,...
Hemorrhage Classic - Now with more Rockets! Recommended Players: 8-16 Recommended Gametypes: Capture the Flag, Team Slayer, Neutral Assault, One...