The map is good for a trainee. I suggest for a v2 try geo-merging a little bit more. I suggest geo-merging the box next to the ghost spawn then...
I have many new Ideas, suggestions and comments about Halo 3: ODST. If you would like to view them click here! Please keep the Bungie thread...
Looks Interesing, Nice Geo-Mergin for Avalanche! 4.5/5
Congrats on the Feature, at first I look at this map on the homepage and then the second time at the home page I downloaded it, check it out, and...
The map has a very good layout, I recommend taking some of the in-movable objects out of the map, and do some more geo-merging. Also, the map has...
This map has some great qualities to it, like it's design and layout, but it is kind-of Claustrophobic, It is too cramped for grenedes, CTF, and...
Playing on it is fun, but some of the objects aren't to straight, like the fence walls, the map overall is a good map for a trainee, I recommend...
On Version two the spot I sighted that wasn't the neatest was the added walkway, The single box wasn't big enough. Hopfully when Sandbox comes out...
The Tectonic Remake is Finally Here! Remade by Cydronix Original Map Forged by Cydronix Map Idea and Layout by Blakbastud9 I finally...
Looks great for a non-foundry map. I couldn't really see from the pics so I Q'ed it for DL and will check it out, after Christmas. But it does...
Very well done on the center. Kind-of reminds me of my un-posted map FFA Turbine v2. But it has different qualities; just if you make a version 2,...
Your map has very good aesthetics. The Arches, Geo-Merging and Interlocking looks great! The map has a very smooth gameplay along side with a...
Overall, the map plays good and is good for a trainee to make. It does need some more geo-merging/interlocking added to it, you could save more...
I updated my Post, Check the bottom.
Hey, you were talking to me about more creativity in map making. Try taking a look at some of my Free-For-all Maps! Orbital, Tectonic, or Radiation!
Mythic Map Pack Discussion RECENTLY UPDATED! The Mythic Map Pack (All 6 Maps) are confirmed to only have two Remakes. ASSEMBLY Assembly was...
This Map Plays incredibly well, one thing to fix in it if you make a v2 is its space, it is a little bit too open. Not much cover. But overall the...
MLG QUARENTINE v5 [IMG] Forged by Cydronix Ideas and Layout by Blakbastud9 I DO SAY MLG BUT IT IS BOTH A COMPETITIVE MAP AND AN MLG MAP, DON'T...
MLG QUARENTINE v5 [IMG] Forged by Cydronix Ideas and Layout by Blakbastud9 Yes, I know the name may have already been taken. This...
How to Live Forever Montage! This is my Newest Montage! How to live forever. It has so, so editing, Music In Order of Appearence: Gears of War...