I see, yes the idea (sort of) came for TF2. The Idea was to try to trick your enemy into thinking your death while you still have a chance to...
I have my newest map im making called "Sight" Its bases as a submerged Tower that has sunken into the water. I Am trying to see if i can build...
Only thing i think needed to be added or at least tested is, Ability to create a far more designed spartan or Elite, such as to change Gun...
If i had to say, in any map i built, its all about how i built it. Let's say im playing on a map that is high and large, about the size of a grid...
I did have an idea for one but i forgot it. So i made this one up. Name: Fake - This is a weird ability, this ability makes it look as if you...
I must say, if i was to build anything, it would be something simple yet new. Like a Cannon gun that can be moved with Mongooses so you can...