Thanks for the ideas, and i'll see about that backflip video. Also i tend to do a back flip when i hit my speed booster and pull back.
EDIT: This is also a place to post your ideas that can be used in Races. Ok, since noone has seem to noticed my post for my map helo Freedom...
Hello again, I’m making another map but not for fighting, but for fun tricks and stuff. I need help getting ideas of Cool tricks I can use as like...
Great ideas have entered my head, and the more i think, the better they get. Well i was finishing up my Map Sight (Which i finished) i thought of...
art is your thing? no its your weapon it seems like.
I took that photo and tried to shift its colors to make the letters pop out, all i got was "Tower of (five letter word here)" other the that, that...
Dang, if that is what you can do when your tired, i wonder what you can draw when your in deep focus. WIth that kind of drawing you could end up...
Thank you very much, now i can build more special maps :p
I've been forging for many about 1 1/2 years now, (not all on Halo, for i calling forging using programs on a computer with about the same aspect...
Um, ok , ill try it. It doesn't sound dumb when you don't know about hardrives.... :(
I got some problems with my xbox, I can't seem to view anything in theater, it says i have no harddrive. Does anyone know something i should know...
Oh i see people are getting the wrong idea, The idea was (i guess i did not state it clearly) in battle (not forge) , like slayer you could move...
True, thank you for the feedback. I will change that now. so there worn't be a rainbow look anymore :p
Thanks for the Idea Robster95, i'll see what i can do. Also I'm going to update what i did so far today. So see if you get any ideas from that....
:( hope things work out, even if you can't get the wriaths out, if you don't use them in your map it would make a great bomb sound during gameplay.
When i came up with an idea for my map Sight (will be linked) it gave me an idea. Here is the idea: Taking two bases made from one/two buildings....
Yea i feel the pain about that. Don't restart your map, instead try this, how far down are they when they sapwn? if you have alteast 1 second...
Now that i can see working somewhat well, it just depends on where you use it. I can agree with this, since i hate it it when i throw my greande...
EDIT (4): 5/3/12 It is almost done, all is left are the placement of spawns and objectives. So far i have the spawns of Green, Yellow, Blue and...
OK, i see the error in that, my intention was that you would use it as not as a get away before death but instead as a trick, here would be an...